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Updated: 2015-10-12

Reishi Mushroom Products
Ganoderma Lucidum/Lingzhi
Provides spiritual potency
Product Name Active ingredient Specifictaction
Extract Powder from Fruiting Body Polysaccharides
10%,20%,30%, 40%, 50%
Extract Powder from Mycelium Polysaccharides 10% ,20%, 30% ,40% ,50%
Reishi Triterpenes Triterpenes 4%, 6%,8%,10%,20%
Super Grade Broken Cell Reishi Spore Powder Polysaccharides
2.5%, 5%
1.5%, 4%
Selenium-rich Broken Cell Reishi Spore Powder Polysaccharides
Reishi Beta-Glucan BETA-Glucan
10%, 20%, 30%
2% % 
Reishi Powder Polysaccharides  
Reishi Spore Oil Polysaccharides

For over 2000 years Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) have been recognized by Chinese medical professionals as a valuable supplement. Its Chinese name Lingzhi, means "spiritual potency".

Dr. Shi-Jean Lee, the most famous Chinese medical doctor of the Ming Dynasty, strongly endorsed the effectiveness of Reishi in his famous book, Ban Chao Gang Moo ("Great Pharmacopoeia"). He stated that the "long-term taking of Reishi (Lingzhi) will build a strong, healthy body and assure a long life."

Cardiovascular Health

Reishi is thought to support and promote cardiovascular health and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use it for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Phyllis Balch states in her book “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” that reishi is used to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, lower high cholesterol levels and improve blood flow to the heart. Reishi also helps to prevent blood clots by keeping the blood thin and preventing it from clumping, and preventing it from clumping, a condition known as platelet aggregation.

Liver Toxicity Protection

A variety of environmental toxins can damage your liver. A study released in the August 2009 issue of "The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research" suggests that extracts from the Tamogidake mushrooms may help protect the liver from toxicity triggered by exposure to carbon tetrachloride. This environmental compound is used to manufacture refrigerants and substances in aerosol cans as well as oil, varnish and resin solvents. You may also find it in dry cleaning agents, although only industrial use of carbon tetrachloride is allowed in the United States. Additional testing is needed to determine if Tamogidake mushroom extract effectively protects the human liver.

Immune System Booster

The water-soluble polysaccharides, beta-glucans and hetero-beta-glucans, are active ingredients found in the red reishi mushroom, which is the highest-quality form you can get. These polysaccharides boost the immune system, fight tumors and lower blood pressure. Reishi also contains the ling zhi-8 protein, which boosts the immune system, too. Supplementing with reishi is considered to be very safe, but patients undergoing organ transplants or using immunosuppressive drugs should be careful because any immune-modulating substance can interact adversely.